We have seen a lot of candidates preparing for UPSC but to crack the exam is not easy. To achieve success in this exam you need a proper dedication and hard work. But hard work always pays off, and help you to achieve success.
Anmol Singh is another candidate who made his parents proud by not only clearing the exam but also getting a high-rank AIR 2. It was a proud moment for him too and for our country too. It is one of the toughest exams, so to clear it in the first attempt is very difficult.
Every year UPSC conducts the exam for various Civil Services like IAS (Indian Administrative Service), IRS (Indian Revenue Service), IRTS (Indian Railway Traffic Services) etc.
Also read: How to prepare for UPSC?
Mother’s Name: Jassi Bedi
Father’s Name: Dr. Sarajit Singh
Sister’s Name: Gursimran Bedi
Date of Birth: 22.05.1994
Age: 24 (Approx.)
Birthplace: Amritsar, Punjab
Religion: Sikhism
Nationality: Indian
Profession: IAS Officer
Rank: AIR 2
Also see: How to choose optional subject in UPSC?
Anmol comes from a very well educated family. His family always supported him in his career. Whenever he does not score so well in his exams so, his family never scolded him but instead of that supported him or motivated him to get up and to do hard work. He was a good student from his school days.
His father Dr. Sarabjit Singh Bedi is an educationist and he is a professor at National Institute of Technology (NIT). His mother is also a very independent woman and she is associated with an NGO. His grandfather, Gajinder Singh Bedi was a DSP in Punjab Police.
His family has always given a preference to education and hard work. His sister also motivated him towards his success, she suggested him to try for Civil Service Examination. His uncle, Kanwaljit Singh Sohi told a media person that he is a very hardworking student. He used to stay in Delhi for his preparation and at the last everything makes sense as he is one of the national toppers.
It was a proud moment for him too, after getting the second rank in one of his interviews he said that “This is a dream come true. Since my childhood, I have aimed to be a bureaucrat”. He also said he would like to go for IFS (Indian Foreign Services) and serve his nation his best. He also added: “India is growing by leaps and bounds. I want to play a pivotal role in it”.
He always wants to serve his nation and make his nation proud. According to Anmol his family and friends are the one who motivated him and confident about his success. He gives the whole credit to his mother, father and especially her sister who plays an important role in motivating him.
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He was a good student from his school days. As he was born in Amritsar so, he completed his schooling from Amritsar only. He used to go to a Springdale Senior School in Amritsar and performed well in her exams. He got 9.8 CGPA in his 10th class and 91.8% in his 12th class.
After his schooling, he wants to do Engineering. So, he completed his B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from BITS, Pilani, Rajasthan he shifted to Rajasthan to pursue Engineering. He scored very well in his college, his CGPA was 9.0.
When he was in the last year of his engineering, he decided to prepare for CSE as he was interested in it from his younger age. Later on, he joined a coaching institute for his preparation. He used to go to Vajirao & Reddy Institute for his preparation.
Also read: Daily current affairs for UPSC preparation.
He is one of the national toppers. He scored well in his UPSC examination and got the 2nd rank. His scores are given below:
Written Total: 899
Interview/ Personality Test: 206
Final Total: 1105
Must read: Scores of Nandini KR: AIR 1 UPSC IAS
He does not have to struggle a lot but he struggled during his preparation while doing hard work. He was a science student and an engineer also, so he does not have any idea about UPSC. When he decides to prepare for Civil Services Examination he has no idea about the exam pattern and what he will be needed for his preparation.
So, he joined coaching classes for his preparation and to score well. His classes helped him a lot in getting an idea of the exam. He was also a student at BYJU’s: An online learning platform. He was dedicated towards his goals, so his dedication helped him in achieving this success.
He used to study 8-9 hours daily, which was very tough for him. He had never done this before so, to study for a long time period is not easy for him. But he never gave up and always remains calm and positive. It was also tough for him to maintain a balance between his preparation and studies. As he was pursuing his engineering so at the same time preparing for the exam was not easy.
His optional subjects were Political Science and International Relations. Political Science helped him scoring well in the exam, as he was interested in it.
Must read: Success story of Arushi Sharma: Cleared UPSC in first attempt.
Everyone has to work smartly to achieve success in short span of time. So you have to work smartly with your strategy. The strategy Anmol followed during his preparation are discussed below.
1. Smart Work
Nowadays everyone is getting smarter day by day so, you have to act smartly with your work also. You have work smartly and as effectively you can. He believed in doing smart work. He also said that in this exam smart work is very important as the syllabus is very huge. So you have to break it down into smaller chunks in order to remember things you’ve read.
By smart work, you can also achieve good or excellent guessing skills which will be needed for your exam. He worked smartly by breaking the syllabus into smaller parts and revise them one by one. So, work smartly and achieve your goals.
2. Time Management
It is very important key during your preparation. It will help you to know what is to be done or what not to be. He used to make a timetable for his preparation and follows it. So, you too make a timetable and stick to it. Give time to your studies as well as to your health also.
3. Read NCERT & Newspaper
If you want to get knowledge of something these are the best two ways you can get effective knowledge. Make notes from NCERT books in bullet points, you can remember them easily. NCERT books are the best ways to gain knowledge.
Read a newspaper daily and make short notes of important news. This will help you to remember and gain knowledge.
4. Use Social Media
Social media plays an important role nowadays. He also learned from social media. You can use some apps like Linkedin which will help you to stay connected to the persons who have a higher knowledge than you. In one of his interviews he stated: “Now, information is distributed in such a way that sometimes it creates arbitrariness. So it is a must to strike a balance in dealing with this information to focus on your goal. You have to decide what you want to consume”.
Also read: Inspirational journey of IAS Ira Singhal: 2014 UPSC Topper
So we hope that this article will inspire you during your preparation. So, prove yourself by doing hard work and never give up.
You can also see some of her interviews by the following links:
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